Gain control of the purchasing process in Business Central with the Purchase Order Management app

Purchase Order Management for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Get an actionable overview of all requests that are unresponded by suppliers
– within your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Benefits of Purchase Order Management

These are your general benefits:

Purchase Order Management
  • Planners and purchasers will save a lot of time
  • One overview for all employees to see status of purchase orders
  • Reduced costs and fewer typing errors

Benefits for the purchaser

  • Save time on purchase order change processes.
  • Get a comprehensive overview of outstanding requests to suppliers which everyone can see.
  • Save time on reminding vendors for responses.
  • Get an overview of what was actually agreed – and what was only asked for but not yet confirmed.
  • Use Purchase Order Management for Web to allow suppliers to input responses directly into your purchase handling journal through a web interface.

Benefits for the planner

  • Save time when sending orders and processing action messages.
  • Orders or inquiries to suppliers can be sent with one click.
  • Requisition queries to a number of suppliers can be sent from the planning journals without creating orders.
  • Quotes can be accepted and changed to orders with one click.
Purchase Order Management

… and these are the most popular features:

Functionality of Purchase Order Management

Book a Q&A-session about the app

If you have questions about the app – after watching the video with the demonstration – you can sign up for a free Q&A-session with one of our experts. You can ask any question you may have.

STEP 1: Watch the demos

First, please watch the videos with the demonstration of the app:

STEP 2: Book a meeting

Pick a date in the list – and book it in your calendar.

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Some great features of Purchase Order Management

Overview of all purchase order queries for Dynamics 365 Business Central

Overview of all Purchase Requisitions

When you send a Purchase Order Requisition or wish to modify a Purchase Order, a handling line is created in the Purchase Handling Journal. This compiles all the queries that are awaiting reply. You can accept, reject or send reminders for each query directly from the journal.

Automated e-mails with templates for Dynamics 365 Business Central

Automated e-mails with text templates

New orders, requisitions, cancellations or change requests are merged automatically into e-mails, and everything is prepopulated from text templates. If you have no changes, you can simply press Send.

Tracking change requests in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Tracking change requests

All types of changes (quantity, price, expected receipt date or expected shipment date) are created in separated fields on the purchase order lines. Data regarding the original agreement and the requested changes are clearly separated.

Total control from the Requisition Worksheet in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Total control from the Requisition Worksheet

When working in the Requisition or Planning worksheet, all new queries about orders or offers can be created directly. From the Action Message you can merge e-mails with a single click for changes or cancellation of requests to the supplier. Queries are created as a separate line in the Purchase Handling Journal.

Getting started with the app

Download and install now

Install the app from Microsoft AppSource. Only available on the cloud-edition of Business Central
Get the app on Microsoft AppSource

Read the step-by-step guide

We guide you from installation and configuration to your first use of the app
Read the getting-started guide

Watch user guide videos

On Use Dynamics you can watch instructional videos to learn about the functionality of the app
User guide videos about the Abakion App

Purchase Order Management pricing

Please enter the number of users you have in your Business Central.
Pricing is based on the total number of named users in your Business Central subscription with Microsoft.
10 users

Single app

Per named user per month at 10 users.
Single user is DKK 120,00.
Available on the cloud-edition of Business Central.
The more users you subscribe to, the cheaper each becomes. Watch video about the price model »
Get this app with 10 named users at kr.
per user, per month.
Annual subscription (You save 16.67%)
Monthly subscription

As part of the App Bundle

Get this app as one of the 5 apps you can select with the App Bundle.
The App Bundle allows you to pick any 5 Abakion Apps at a great discount.
If you need more than 5 apps, the price of any additional app is reduced to only kr. 42,20 per app per month at 10 users (annual subscription).
Bo Hansen Hansen and Thomas Hasle at Abakion

Talk to a real human

Have a chat with our app managers Bo H. Hansen and Thomas Halse about pricing and subscriptions:

We will reply in English.

Bo Hansen Hansen at Abakion

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If you have specific questions about functionality or how to get started, you may contact our support team at or call us at +45 70 23 23 17. We will help you find the right video guides, if available.

We strive to provide you a qualified response as quickly as possible, at least within 24 hours but often much quicker.

At all times we will keep you informed about who is working on your support inquiry and how soon you can expect a response.