Policies and Conditions
General Terms and Conditions
The following General Terms and Conditions apply to any collaboration with Abakion:
Read the document containing Abakion’s General Terms and Conditions.
Data Processing Agreement
A Data Processing Agreement is an agreement between a Data Controller (you as the customer) and a Data Processor (Abakion), if the Data Processor processes personal data on behalf of the Data Controller.
Abakion will therefore be the Data Processor in respect of you as the customer, provisioning delivery, hosting, support, maintenance and further development of Microsoft Dynamics solution and/or solutions on Microsoft Power platform.
See the Data Processing Agreement applicable to your collaboration with Abakion.
The Data Processing Agreement has been drawn up on the basis of a template from The Danish Data Protection Agency.
ISAE 3402 and 3000 declarations
The goal of ISAE declarations is to ensure that Abakion processes and secures data correctly. When data processing is outsourced to a service provider, there is a need to document that the service provider’s information security around the services provided is adequate and in accordance with the customer contract.
This is done, among other things, by examining and testing the technical and organizational security measures that the data processor has introduced, so that information is neither destroyed illegally, lost, degraded, misused or otherwise handled in violation of the law.
What is an ISAE 3000 declaration?
ISAE 3000 declarations apply, among other things, in relation to the data protection regulation and the data protection act (GDPR). This can be seen as a framework for control objectives and control activities that relate to the declaration subject. The subject of the declaration can, for example, be statements about which security measures and processes a data processor has set up and how they function.
The declaration must, for example, be used when the data processor handles personal data as part of hosting, operation of operating systems and databases, or delivery of applications. The declaration can also be used when the data processor is responsible for a process, e.g. handling of personal data in the process for payroll and personnel administration.
The ISAE 3000 declaration must assure the data controller that the data processor processes the personal data for which the data controller is responsible in an appropriate manner. It can both be a snapshot or cover a longer period. It contains the auditor’s conclusion on the effectiveness of the technical and organizational security measures (controls) that the data processor has established to fulfill the data processor agreement and ensure adequate personal data protection. Download Abakions’ ISAE 3000 here.
What is an ISAE 3402 declaration?
An ISAE 3402 declaration is based on the auditor’s standard for declaration tasks with assurance of controls at a service organization. It is therefore the auditor’s declaration that a service supplier has introduced effective controls with significance for the company’s bookkeeping and financial reporting.
This standard only deals with declarations that must be used by the company and its auditor in relation to the controls at the service supplier which are relevant to the company’s internal control of bookkeeping and financial reporting.
These can be, for example, general IT controls when outsourcing financial management systems or controls in connection with payroll and personnel administration.
The company’s auditor uses the ISAE 3402 declaration in connection with the audit of the annual accounts, instead of carrying out the audit himself at the suppliers who provide services or systems of importance for bookkeeping and accounting. Download Abakions’ ISAE 3402 here.
Abakion’s License Terms
Here you can read Abakion’s license terms, which describe the standard software license terms that apply to your subscription to a product (app) from Abakion and its use. Separate terms apply to Abakion’s industry solution for lawyers “Abakion Legal”.
Please read the terms thoroughly and if you have any questions, you are always welcome to contact Abakion A/S for further clarification.
Microsoft’s Terms and Conditions
Below, you will find the Microsoft licensing terms applicable to your purchase of, or subscription to, a Microsoft product or service. Please read these terms carefully; if you have any questions, you are always welcome to contact Abakion A/S for further clarification.
For information on Microsoft’s policies regarding the GDPR, please see Microsoft’s website https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/TrustCenter/Privacy/gdpr/default.aspx or https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/TrustCenter/, where Microsoft’s own audit report is set out.
Microsoft Customer Agreement
This document describes the standard Microsoft terms and conditions for Microsoft’s various online services such as Microsoft Office365, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online, Enterprise Mobility Suite, Microsoft Intune, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Dynamics Business Central etc. You can download the agreement here.
Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP)
To approve Abakion A/S as your Cloud Solution Provider, click on this link.
Microsoft Partner Account No. of Abakion
As a customer or Microsoft partner you may need to inform the Abakion Microsoft Partner Account No. 4804938 at purchase and configuration of a license.
Microsoft Software Licence Terms
This document describes Microsoft’s standard software licence terms for various Microsoft products. Below, you will find the terms for the latest software versions. If the version you have is not on the list, please contact Abakion A/S.
Licence terms for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central On-Premises may be downloaded here.
Microsoft Online Services Terms
These licensing terms define the terms and conditions for the products and online services you purchase through Microsoft Volume Licensing programmes. The terms and conditions are updated on an ongoing basis and may be found on this website: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/licensing/product-licensing/products.
When you visit our website, data about you is collected and used to customize and improve our content and to enhance the value of the advertisements shown on the site. If you do not wish data to be collected, you should delete your cookies and stop using the website. Below, we explain in more detail what data is collected, its purpose and which third parties have access to it.
The website uses ‘cookies’, which are text files stored on your computer, mobile phone etc. in order to recognize it, remember settings, generate statistics and target advertisements. Cookies cannot contain harmful code such as viruses.
Cookies can be deleted or blocked. If you delete or block cookies, advertisements may become less relevant to you and may appear more frequently. You may also run the risk of the website not working optimally or of your not having access to some content.
The website contains third-party cookies which may come, to varying extents, from:
- Google Analytics
- Google Adwords
- ClickDimensions
- ActiveCampaign
- Zubi
- Hotjar
Personal Data
Personal data means all types of information to a greater or lesser extent attributable to you. When you use our website, we collect and process a range of such information. This occurs, for example, when content is accessed in the ordinary way, or if you sign up for our newsletter, enter competitions or surveys, register as a user or subscriber, or otherwise use services or make purchases via the website.
We typically collect and process the following types of data: a unique ID and technical details of your computer, tablet or mobile phone, your IP address, your geographical location and which pages you click on (your interests). In addition, the following are processed to the extent that you yourself give explicit consent and enter the details yourself: name, telephone number, email address, postal address and payment details. This will typically happen in connection with setting up an account or making a purchase.
We have taken technical and organizational measures to prevent your data being accidentally or unlawfully deleted, published, lost, damaged, disclosed to unauthorized persons, misused or otherwise processed in contravention of the law.
The data is used to identify you as a user and to show you the advertisements most likely to be relevant to you; to record your purchases and payments; and to enable us to deliver the services you have requested, e.g. sending a newsletter. In addition, we use the data to optimize our services and content.
Storage period
Data is stored for the period of time permitted by law, and we delete it when it is no longer needed. The time period depends on the nature of the item of data and on the reason for storing it. It is therefore not possible to state a general timeframe within which data will be deleted.
Disclosure of data
Data on your use of the website, the advertisements you receive and (if applicable) click on, your geographical location, your sex, age group etc. are disclosed to third parties to the extent that these details are known. You can see which third parties this refers to in the ‘Cookies’ section above. The data is used to target advertising.
In addition, we use a number of third parties for data storage and processing. They process data exclusively on our behalf and may not use it for their own purposes.
Personal details such as name, email address etc. will be disclosed only if you give consent to it. We use only data processors in the EU or in countries that can provide adequate protection for your data.
Access and Complaints
You have the right to be told what personal data about you we process. Moreover, you can object at any time to the use of your data. You can also withdraw your consent to data about you being processed. If the data about you being processed is wrong, you have the right to have it corrected or deleted. You may approach marketing@abakion.com regarding this. Should you wish to make a complaint about our processing of your personal data, you also have the option of contacting the Danish Data Protection Agency.
This website is owned and published by:
Abakion A/S
Lyngbyvej 2
2100 Copenhagen Ø
Telephone: +45 70 23 23 17
Company (CVR) number: 25 45 02 72