Journaling with a minimum of work
Ditch the manual work and let Abakion Legal take care of journaling.
Journaling is actually an extra job for lawyers – one that your IT system should be smart enough to handle by itself. There’s no reason for you to be digging out a case file to put a document in.

We have built a raft of features into Abakion Legal that will save you a huge amount of time when handling documents that need to be journaled. Yes, of course you can journal a document against a case, and that’s all well and good, but now we come to the really efficient part:

Let Abakion Legal scan your Outlook
You can ask Abakion Legal to scan your inbox and outbox in Microsoft Outlook. It will then find all your documents and make its own suggestions of specific cases that the documents should be journaled against. You can review the suggestions and approve them.
Journaling from
your mobile
This also means that you can journal emails written from your mobile. You’re in a car park, and you dash off a message to a client on your mobile: this too will be journaled. This is awesome when you have a busy schedule.
See whether a document is already journaled
Another awesome feature is that, if a colleague sends you an email with a document that’s already journaled, you can clearly see that it is journaled already, and you know that you needn’t do anything with it.
Save documents and retrieve them easily with MS SharePoint
You can use Microsoft SharePoint to save documents, but you can also choose a different document solution if you wish.
With Abakion Legal SharePoint free text search, you can search across file types, cases, clients and timespans for a name, a particular word or a phrase, for example. And you can export files or folders from SharePoint, so you can work offline, without Internet access. When you’re online again, files and folders will automatically be re-synchronised with your additions.
The combination of efficient journaling and a feature-rich document system is one of the strengths of Abakion Legal.

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