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Con frecuencia organizamos presentaciones de estas apps (IN ENGLISH), y todo el mundo es bienvenido a inscribirse y participar. Comenzaremos con una demostración de la app y después podrá hacernos cualquier pregunta que desee.
Elija una fecha de la lista y resérvela en su calendario.
Dato | Kursus | Book now |
13FEB | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
13FEB | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
14FEB | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
17FEB | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
18FEB | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
18FEB | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
19FEB | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
19FEB | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
24FEB | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
24FEB | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
26FEB | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
26FEB | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
04MAR | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
04MAR | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
05MAR | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
05MAR | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
19MAR | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
19MAR | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
13MAR | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
17MAR | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
17MAR | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
18MAR | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
18MAR | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
24MAR | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
24MAR | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
26MAR | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
26MAR | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
31MAR | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
31MAR | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
01APR | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
01APR | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |
03APR | Personal Q&A-session. In English. You will receive presentation videos to prepare for this Q&A-session. | Book now |