Manage third-party logistics warehouses with 3PL Manager

3PL for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

3PL Manager enables you to manage your third-party logistics warehouse locations as part of your sales and purchase processes. This is third-party logistics, abbreviated 3PL or TPL.

Send Sales Orders and Warehouse Shipments to a third-party warehouse for shipment. Direct Purchase Orders to an external warehouse and stay in control in your Business Central.

Let’s go through the process of 3PL in Business Central:

  1. If the item was in your own warehouse, you would send the picking instruction to a scanner. But when the item is in a third party warehouse, you simply select “Send to 3PL”. This way, you ask your external warehouse to manage this order and ship it to the customer. The functionality in Business Central is identical for both cases – you just have someone else to ship it.
  2. When the warehouse has shipped your order, your Business Central receives an update, and the Warehouse Shipment (or Inventory Pick or Sales Order depending on your configuration) in Business Central is updated. On the document you can see the 3PL status: ‘Received at warehouse’, and later ‘Shipped’.
  3. The similar functionality is available for Purchase Orders and Purchase Receipts. When you purchase items, you send the purchase to the 3PL warehouse to let them know. And when the items arrive, your Business Central is notified that the items are received and available.

3PL Manager + specific Connectors for 3PL suppliers

The 3PL Manager app provides the possibility of sending Sales Orders and Purchase Orders to external warehouses – and a Connector allows you to connect with a specific 3PL supplier.

All Connectors are configured inside your Business Central – and the data exchange is executed by Microsoft Power Automate.

Both the Connector-apps and the 3PL Manager app are available on Microsoft AppSource.

Overview of the 3PL Manager connectors
Bringen Sie Shelfless 3PL Connector

This app is part of an extendable structure

Basically, 3PL Manager is the integration app you get, and the connector app adds the specific connection to the 3PL supplier.

The Abakion Foundation Manager includes the common functionality for all the integration apps. This way you can use multiple integration apps without getting duplicate fields and functionality. And the Abakion App Manager is the core extension management and subscription management.

On top of these, you can add the Shipping Manager and 3PL Manager apps. These apps provide integration functionality and APIs. And if you combine these with a connector app, you are ready to go. It’s actually quite simple. If you select a Connector-app from AppSource, you automatically get the necessary fundamental apps. Our installer will handle it all for you.

But this structure also allows you (or your Business Central supplier) to build custom connectors to whichever fullfilment service or 3pl warehouse. You can extend the solution with Power Automate in the Microsoft Power Platform.

For Partners:

If you are a Business Central-partner, watch this video to learn the technical details – and to see how you can utilize the app on client projects.

Book a presentation of the 3PL and Shipping concept

We frequently host presentations of this app, which is part of our 3PL and Shipping Manager concept, and everybody is welcome to sign up and participate. We will begin with a demonstration of the apps, and then you can ask any question you may have.

Pick a date in the list – and book it in your calendar.

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Main points about 3PL Manager

Third Party Logistics in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Send to 3PL

The function “Send to 3PL” on the Sales, Warehouse and Purchase documents are the only functionality you really need to know. The integration is configured in the back-end, and you don’t need to care about it, unless you are a consultant who wants to set this up on your own.

Configuration of 3PL in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Configuration of a 3PL-supplier

It is easy to enable a new 3PL-supplier integration in 3PL Manager. If you use a 3PL-supplier we have not encountered previously, we can configure the integration in a few days work.

Erste Schritte mit der der App

Jetzt herunterladen und installieren

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Benutzerhandbuch-Videos zur Abakion App

3PL Manager Preise

Bitte geben Sie die Anzahl der Nutzer ein, die Sie in Ihrer Business Central haben.
Die Preise basieren auf der Gesamtzahl der benannten Benutzer in Ihrem Business Central-Abonnement bei Microsoft.
10 Benutzer

Einzelne Anwendung

Pro benanntem Benutzer pro Monat bei 10 Benutzern.
Der Preis für einen Benutzer beträgt 120,00 DKK.
Verfügbar in der Cloud-Edition von Business Central.
Je mehr Benutzer Sie abonnieren, desto billiger wird jeder einzelne. Video über das Preismodell ansehen »
Siehe diese App mit 10 benannte Benutzer unter kr.
pro Nutzer, pro Monat.
Jahresabonnement (Sie sparen 16,67%)
Monatliches Abonnement

Als Teil des App-Bundles

Holen Sie sich diese App als eine der 5 Apps, die Sie mit dem App Bundle auswählen können.
Mit dem App-Bundle können Sie 5 beliebige Abakion Apps zu einem großartigen Preisnachlass auswählen.
Wenn Sie mehr als 5 Apps benötigen, reduziert sich der Preis für jede zusätzliche App auf nur kr. 42,20 pro App und Monat bei 10 Benutzern (Jahresabonnement).
Bo Hansen Hansen und Thomas Hasle im Abakion

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Sprechen Sie mit unseren App-Managern Bo H. Hansen und Thomas Halse über Preise und Abonnements:

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Bo Hansen Hansen bei Abakion

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